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Is scoil Ghaeltachta í agus déanann gach múinteoir iarracht an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn mar ghnáth theanga cumarsáide na scoile.


Osclaíodh an scoil seo ar Lá Bealtaine 1910. Roimhe sin d'fhreastail scolairí ar shean scoil atá fós le feiceáil ar thaobh an bhóthair ó dheas ón scoil.Bhí ceiliúradh céad bliain againn i 2010. Tá tuilleadh eolais sa leabhar a foilsiú ag an am. Ceannaigh é, b'fheidir go bhfuil tú ann.





Saula School was established in 1872. It was a small, one room building where children sat on four forms beside an open fire. The pupils had to bring turf for the fire to school. The remains of itcan still be seen today, a short distance from the present school building. The existing school was opened on May 10, 1910. It consisted of two large rooms with a partition between them.


Today, there are four large classrooms, as well as a staff room and office. In addition to traditional school equipment, such as copies and text books, class rooms are now furnished with computer suites and whiteboards. Indeed, Kindles and IPads can be found in most school bags. Saula pupils today have to remember their USB keys rather than turf!



The School roll books are a fascinating source of social history.  It is evident that the village of Saula has undergone many social and environmental changes over the last century. In the early twentieth century, parents of Saula pupils included farmers, boat-builders, weavers and musicians. Seasonal emigration for agricultural work in England and Scotland was also a feature. Today, the rolls show a vast range of parents occupations; teachers, beauticians, mechanics, farmers, accountants, musicians, dancers and artists.


Family names common to Saula over the years, such as Kilbanes, McGintys, Pattens, Gallaghers and Murphys, are still found in the current roll books. Yet as well as these, are names of many new families to the Achill. This diversity enriches the contemporary life of the school. Emigration remains a feature of Achill life, but the destinations and types of employment have changed enormously. Despite the changes however, a tightly knit Saula School community endures, with the welfare of its children at its heart.



  • The policies practices and attitudes are inspired by Gospel values.

  • Christ as the source of those values is a familiar and attractive reality for the teachers and pupils.

  • Religious Education is provided for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines and tradition of the Catholic Church.

  • Prayer is a feature of the school day.

  • The pupils are prepared for the Sacraments of Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation, in accordance with arrangements in the parish and diocese.

  • The liturgical seasons are a feature of the school year.

  • The children participate in liturgical celebrations arranged by the school.

  • The school identifies itself with the parish of Achill and works closely with local priests, Fr Michael Gormally (B.O.M Member) and Fr Frank McGrath.

  • The pupils are encouraged to participate in parish activities.

  • The school aims at fostering a sense of community between pupils, teachers, parents, B.O.M and past pupils.

  • The teachers aim at making the school a centre of excellence in which high professional standards are maintained and where pupils learn in a safe, happy environment.

  • A spirit of respect for all is promoted within the school community.

  • The school’s code of discipline reflects the Christian values promoted within the school with an emphasis on forgiveness, reconciliation, new beginnings and hope. Teachers are sensitive to the needs and circumstances of the pupils.

  • Close contact is maintained between school and the home. The school would like to be seen as open and inviting to all pupils, parents and extended relatives.

  • Ancillary Staff in the school are highly esteemed and respected.

  • Their work makes a valued contribution to the process of education.


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