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Scoil Naomh Pádraig, Sáile
Saula National School websit
These pages are intended to provide information to all parents on school policies, rules and guidelines.
General Aims of Our School
To help each child reach his/her maximum potential so that they can lead a full and harmonious life. Each child’s uniqueness is taken into account.
To foster and develop Christian principles and so create tolerant and caring members of society.
To develop independent and confident children, who take pride in themselves, their work, their environment and their culture.
To encourage children to respect the rights and feelings of others at all times.
To cater for the individual needs and the different stages of development of the children.
To accommodate differences between children, due to variations on intellectual ability, personality, physical ability, social background, etc.
To cultivate an atmosphere of learning and security, where pupils learn with pleasure and enthusiasm.
To create equality of opportunity for pupils.
To encourage and facilitate pupils to broaden their range of interests and extra curricular activities.
To develop an interest in their community, their parish and the world around them.
To nurture a positive self -concept and self -esteem in each individual.
To promote physical and emotional health and well- being.
To provide varied and interesting learning opportunities for all pupils using different methodologies and approaches.

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Have respect for yourself and for others
Be kind to everyone.
Have respect for everyone’s property.
Have good manners.
We don’t call names or tease in a way that hurts people’s feelings.
Include everyone in games.
No fighting, shouting or hitting people – ever.
Stay inside school walls at all times unless you have permission.
Keep the school clean and tidy.
No bullying.
If we think someone is being bullied we must tell an adult.
No chewing gum.
Siúl sa halla.
We have healthy lunches always – no junk food.
We do our homework.
We listen to one another and to the teacher.
We use appropriate language; no bad words.
We do not disrupt the class.
We will wear our uniforms.
We always try to do our best with our work.