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Scoil Naomh Pádraig, Sáile
Saula National School websit
The yard surrounding the school is tarmacadamed and provides a safe play area. The upper court area is also tarmacadamed and provides a safe, clean and dry play area. We also have a playground with swings, slides, see-saw and climbing frame, which is usually used by pupils, under supervision. Pupils may not leave the yard to fetch a ball, or for any other reason, without the express permission of the teacher or appointed supervisor on yard duty.
On rainy days pupils do not go to the yard to play and are supervised in the school building. Games and resources are available to the pupils.Pupils are reminded of safety at all times in the yard and dangerous activities are not permitted.
Division of play area:
3 – 6th classes: football/soccer/rounders etc in upper court area
3rd – 6th classes: playground when not in use by junior classes
Infants – 2nd class: small playground or area surrounding the schoolResources ball games, hoops, playhouses ,kitchen, skipping ropes, bean bags, etc.
Supervision of Pupils and Yard Duty
Aim: To provide reasonable care for the safety of our pupils from 9.20am to 3pm, while in our charge.
Procedure: Inform parents of opening and closing times and ask their co-operation for prompt drop off and pick up. Playground supervision will be carried out during school breaks
Every effort is made to ensure that the children under our care are supervised and in a safe environment at all times. Supervision is undertaken by the teachers.Classes 3 – 6 are supervised by Una Bn. Uí Lochlainn. Junior classes are supervised by Séan O Gallachobhair.